If the Earth Was Made of Playdough | UMC YoungPeople
Connecting young people and their adult leaders to God, the church, and the world
September 2018

If the Earth Was Made of Playdough

By Dave Magee

Creation inspired creativity. This activity will enable students to use their creativity as they process what it means to care for creation and see it as created by God.

Break the students up into groups of 2-3.
Before you hand each group a can of play dough, tell them that “You will each get a can of play-dough. You have 5 minutes to create anything of your choosing. You will then share with the group what you created.”
After 5 minutes has gone by have each group briefly share what they made.

Questions after Activity:
• Which group do you think best utilized what they were given to make a creation? Why?
• What would happen to this play-dough if you were to mix another material into it?
• Would it be possible to ever separate just the pure play-dough out again?
• We haven’t been given play-dough by God, but something much more valuable by God, the entire earth. What are the essential items, the “play-dough” of earth, that we must be good caretakers of to honor God’s creation?

Even more creativityL: If you have time gather other random things like plastic straws, empty water bottles, stickers, and broken sin flowers, and add several unique elements to what the groups are given and require that they incorporate everything they received into their creation.

Dave MaGee has served in youth ministry for two decades since graduating from Duke University Divinity School in 1999. He served as a youth minister in several churches in Texas and most recently served as the Director of Student Ministries at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.